
It's great that Ponsai is committed to assessing business growth plans and making constant improvements through analyzing and sharing various business metrics. Each type of report serves a specific purpose and provides valuable insights for the partners. Here's a breakdown of the reports mentioned:


Weekly Report

  • Frequency: Shared every week.
  • Content: Detailed customer progress report.
  • Audience: Likely shared with partners and internal stakeholders.
  • Purpose: Provides frequent updates on customer progress, allowing for timely adjustments and interventions if necessary.
Surprise Birthday Parties

Biweekly Report

  • Frequency: Every fortnight (every two weeks).
  • Content: Presentation and discussion of progress over the past two weeks.
  • Audience: Partners and possibly key stakeholders.
  • Purpose: Facilitates regular communication and collaboration between Ponsai and its partners, enabling the exchange of insights and the alignment of strategies.
Surprise Birthday Parties

Quarterly Report

  • Frequency: Prepared at the end of each quarter (every three months).
  • Content: Highlights the progress of customers over the previous quarter across multiple geographies.
  • Audience: Likely shared with partners and higher management.
  • Purpose: Offers a broader view of customer progress and trends over a longer timeframe, informing strategic decision-making and planning for the upcoming quarters.

By employing this combination of weekly reports, bi-weekly meetings, and quarterly reports, Ponsai ensures continuous monitoring and evaluation of business growth plans, fostering a culture of constant improvement and agility in response to evolving market dynamics and customer needs.

  • Weekly Report -
    • Ponsai shares a detailed report, providing updates on the last five days' business development activities.
    • Ponsai shares this report with its Partner on every week.
    • This report contains the details of New Customers discussions in different geography and details on upcoming meeting.
  • Bi-Weekly Meeting -
    • Every fortnight Ponsai facilitates a meeting with its Partner to present and discuss the progress of business development activities in the last 2 weeks.
    • This covers the details about New customers, existing customers and upcoming meetings.
    • Partner gets the clarity about the progress, response from customer and they can get ready to upcoming meetings and customer requirements.
  • Quarterly Meeting -
    • Ponsai presents the Customer progress for last 3 months in different geography
    • What was planned and what is achieved
    • Plan for the upcoming Quarter.